torsdag 27 oktober 2011

Driving in Johannesburg

I once read that you don't learn to curse properly until you start to drive a car. When we moved to Johannesburg 20 months ago, I hadn't driven a car for 16 years. I had to reacquaint myself to driving in downtown Johannesburg (or the CBD as we call it here). It was an unforgettable experience, you had to be both absolutely fearless and equally fearful the whole time for what might happen. My colleague at the time said: Don't let the taxi drivers intimidate you. I have tried to follow that advice and some people actually say that I drive like one, which I try to take as a compliment.

torsdag 13 oktober 2011

Feeling at home

Why do I feel at home in South Africa?
I have asked myself this a million times and analysed it in every possible way. I don't know, but ever since I landed in Durban on 30 December 1993 I have felt at home in this country. Not at home as in I recognise all the habits and traditions in all the ethnic groups, no, it's more on the inside. Like leaves slowly falling to the ground after a windy day, with a mmm... nice to be home, kind of feeling.
Anyway. Tomorrow we are going to Durban for my birthday on Sunday, because for my birthday I need to be by the sea.
We're going home.