lördag 14 januari 2012

Everybody wants England to lose - and other short stories

We've been in South Africa for two years now and it's been quite a journey with amazement and frustration in equal doses. I am still battling with Home Affairs and their latest attempt to question me being here. They want additional proof of our marriage since the marriage certificate isn't enough. They want to see proof of the registration of our marriage, so we have to find the magistrate (in Krugersdorp), who might be dead, who registered our marriage, and find the entry in the physical register that no-one knows where it is. No online registers, just physical papers that can get lost, then you're in trouble.

Having said that, I must admit that my experiences of this country and its people have been overwhelmingly positive. I am thinking of writing a book, with the title above.

But before I start, I'd like to ask whoever is reading this blog, what you would like to know about South Africa and what you'd like me to write about? Any ideas are welcome.